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535 Fifth Avenue, 4th Floor
New York, NY 10017
United States


Veronica Escobar Esq. is your trusted and capable elder law, special needs.  trusts and estates and family law attorney located in New York City. She has offices in Queens and Manhattan and is available to meet with you to discuss your legal concerns. If you are Spanish speaking, she can also assist you.  So call or email us!






 Elder Law

  • New York State Office for the Aging information in English y en Español (tiene que seleccionar la palabra “Translate” en la página principal y después seleccionar “Spanish”).


  • IncludeNYC (New York City non profit providing resources and support to children and young adults with special needs and their families)

  • IncluyeNYC (el sitio web de IncludeNYC en español. Fundación sin fines de lucro apoyando a personas con necesidades especiales y sus familias).

  • Children with Special Needs

  • Office for People with Developmental Disabilities information in English y en Español (para leer la información en español tiene que seleccionar la palabra “Translate” en la página principal y después seleccionar “Spanish”)  

  • Independent Living Centers (a national and regional nonprofit that supports and advocates for the self-determination and independence of individuals with special needs). Locations in the five boroughs:

Estate Planning, Trusts and Probate

Family Court Proceedings (NEW YORK)